Quality, safety and environment policy

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Company values

The most important value that guides a company’s operations are people.
We care about people and want to put people and humanity first. Regarding the company’s employees, customers and partners. That’s why we also care about what is done, on all construction sites.

Company vision

The company’s vision is to be a responsible, financially sound and long-term operator in lifting, transport, deep sealing and repair services that benefits all parties and respects people and the environment, together with personnel, customers and other stakeholders.

Quality policy

Lifting, transport and deep sealing services are part of the customer’s logistics process and always take place on shared construction sites managed by the customer or a third party. The development of operating methods requires close cooperation with customers and third parties.

The company’s goal is to maintain and develop strong long-term partnerships so that the planning and development of operations can be carried out in long-term, continuous and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Quality is maintained by following jointly agreed operating methods recorded in the operating instructions and by supervising compliance with the operating methods.

The management is actively present in customer meetings, site visits as well as in operative activities and personnel management. In this way, in addition to reactive indicators, the management can monitor the fulfillment of customer needs, compliance with the operating system and the effectiveness of the operating system. Management reacts to deviations and shortcomings without delay.

The management system is developed in accordance with the principles of continuous improvement according to the feedback received from the system and customer needs together with the personnel.

Occupational safety policy

The company’s primary safety goal is to make it fun to come to work.

The goal includes both the physical and mental well-being of employees. The goal is not achieved through the ideas of the management, but through the cooperation of everyone.

The greatest threat to security is indifference.

Each employee must be aware of the company’s common goals, as well as the significance of their own actions for the company’s operations and the safety of other employees.

This objective shall be pursued by:

  • The rules of the work community are fair, violations are addressed.
  • Machinery and equipment safety is taken care of excellently.
  • Responsibilities are clearly defined and allocated.
  • Work is planned in advance as well as possible.
  • The work community is encouraged to be open by asking for and reacting to feedback.
  • The flow of information is constantly being developed.
  • Employees are encouraged to take care of themselves.

The company’s management is committed to creating safe and healthy working conditions and to promoting the above-mentioned goals with the means at its disposal. Management cooperates regularly with employees and their representatives to identify hazards, eliminate them, reduce risks and continuously improve occupational health and safety.

Environmental policy

All operations of the company must respect the environment. Taking environmental issues into account is included as part of the general guidelines, no separate environmental guidelines are drawn up. The aim is to keep the personnel’s environmental awareness, competence and resources at a sufficient level so that they can perform their duties while taking the environment into account.

The main means of environmental policy are:

Proper sorting and processing of work waste at own depots. Special attention is paid to hazardous waste generated by operations, such as oil-mixed waste and batteries. Any waste generated by operations on construction sites is transported to the customer’s own depot, unless otherwise agreed with the customer on a site-specific basis.

Preventing environmental damage to machinery by carrying out preventive maintenance. In addition, preparations are made for possible problem situations with machine-specific protective equipment, instructions and personnel training. In sites with a high environmental risk, environmental issues are included in the occupational safety plan.

Minimizing machine emissions and noise nuisance through equipment selection, preventive maintenance and minimizing runs and running times in work planning.
Taking environmental impacts into account and actively monitoring the development of the environmental impacts of materials in procurement, especially chemical procurement in maintenance and repair operations.

The company’s management is committed to meeting the statutory and operating system requirements and to the continuous improvement of operations, and actively communicates them to personnel and material stakeholders. The company’s management has accepted and committed to the values and objectives described herein The values and policies are included in the new employee orientation and are actively communicated to subcontractors and other stakeholders.

Helsinki 25.6.2024


Managing director
Jan Sjöman